Monday, January 17, 2011

Not the Golden Globes

Today we're going to say congratulations to Colin Firth - well done Colin, I'm pleased this award is going to help you get through the mid-stage of your life - and then take a swift look behind the scenes at That's Not My Age Mansions. Yes, let's talk about me and my globe collection. This is my latest orb, a Christmas present from Mr TNMA (it came carefully wrapped in toilet paper, which was a nice touch). The inscription on the side says Deutsche Eisenbahn Versicherungskasse, so my elementary translation skills tell me it's probably from the German national railway's insurance company - and it looks like a 1930s design to me.

Welcome to my Globe Cabinet...

One day it will be completely filled with globes. I've got my eye on this gorgeous black one from Lassco, beautiful but very expensive.

At Christmas, I made the frightening connection between the family faux-teak cabinet filled with ceramic bird ornaments and general nick-nackery and my own fabulous arrangement. This was accompanied by a general feeling of horror and fear of the possibility that I might actually be turning into my mum. Ah well, guess it had to happen sooner or later.

Do you collect stuff?

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